The brand diversity that the company had built up came at a price: more brands require more advertising. In the years following the global economic crisis in 2007, consideration was given to how advertising costs could be reduced. The idea: we put more emphasis on the Rauch umbrella brand.
But what's the best way to achieve this creatively? The answer: Rauch invited several international advertising agencies to take part in a creative competition. The winner was a German agency that had, amongst other things, come up with the famous green sailing ship for Beck's beer.
Their idea: they planted the fruity "Rauch tree" as a new element at the centre of the brand. The first appearances of the new umbrella brand symbol were spectacular: in a TV ad for Bravo, the fruity Rauch tree falls from the sky to save a boring party; in the case of Happy Day it crashes into the living room. The tree soon took deep root ... and quickly established itself as Rauch's trademark.
By the way, the Rauch tree was not a completely new invention: from 1949 it had once decorated the façade of the old Rauch cider factory in Rankweil.
"With the Rauch tree we established a strong brand symbol for the umbrella brand"