Rauch Juice Bar

Your healthy lifestyle has a home: The Rauch Juice Bars! Our vision is to inspire as many people as possible to live a healthier lifestyle with our innovative and healthy fruit creations. In our Rauch Juice Bars we transform international trends into fruity delicacies, and you can experience #thecraftofsaft live and with all your senses. Our Rauch Juice Bar creations only taste so good because nature gives us its fruit every day. That is why we attach great importance to sustainable action and are already thinking about tomorrow today.

100% rePET: We make bottles out of bottles again

As a founding member of the PET2PET organization, our Rauch Juice Bar products have been available in 100% recycled and recyclable rePET bottles since 2019. This means that new bottles are made from old bottles. A significant step for the environment!

A forest for the Rauch Juice Bar

A forest of 865 trees

Together with the StartUp Treedom, we planted 865 trees in our global Rauch Juice Bar forest. With this we absorbing 268,5 t of CO2!

Treedom: Help for small farmers

Treedom directly finances small agricultural and forestry projects in different regions of the world. Treedom's mission is to create sustainable eco systems and to support thousands of farmers with start-up funding to plant new trees. The fruit of the trees benefit small farmers, their families and local communities. In this way, sustainable jobs, fair income opportunities and long-term food security are created. More on this topic can be found here: https://www.treedom.net/de/manifesto

Focus on planet-friendly nutrition

The EAT-Lancet Commission, consisting of leading scientists from all over the world, has designed what is known as the Planetary Health Diet. The aim is to provide the entire world population with a diet that is healthy, ecologically and socially acceptable.

The corner stone of this is a predominantly plant-based diet, combined with a moderate consumption of dairy products and meat. (More information on: https://eatforum.org/eat-lancet-commission/).

We try very hard to make the offer in our Rauch Juice Bars planet-friendly. 80% of the range is already plant-based. The remaining 20% are, for example, shakes and smoothies with a milk or yoghurt base, coffees with milk, etc. We also offer numerous vegan options.

Sustainability in our Rauch Juice Bars

-Cups, lids and straws made from renewable raw materials (PLA; corn & beet starch)
-Napkins made from recycled Tetra Packs
-Returnable glass bottles
-Reusable Rauch Juice Bar Refill Bottle - the first filling comes with the purchase!
-€ 0.30 discount if you bring your own bottle

Our Rauch Juice Bars in Vienna rely on electricity made from 100% hydropower

The composition of the electricity provided by MyElectricPur (power pool: www.power-solution.eu) consists of 100% hydropower and is therefore CO2 neutral and generated without radioactive waste.

We support local beekeeping

Without bees there is no pollination, without pollination there is no fruit, and without fruit there is no juice.

All the more reason for us to use local honey in our fruity creations. We designed a Rauch Juice Bar Acacia honey together with Wald & Wiese (https://waldundwiese.at/). In this way we support a regional company, local beekeepers and of course local bees.

You can enjoy the honey, amongst other things, in our specially created honey shots, which can be tasted in our Rauch Juice Bar in Neubaugasse, Vienna.

Largest “green” solar installation in Vorarlberg

The Rauch Juice Bar retail products are produced in Nüziders, Austria. On the green roof of the factory, there is the largest solar installation in Vorarlberg. The solar installation and the green roof support each other: On the one hand, more ecological niches are developing that offer valuable living space for insects and plants. In addition, the solar modules stay cooler due to evaporation and have up to 5% more efficiency in summer than on a normal roof.