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    We present our Boardmembers: Prof. Dr. Friedrich Hoppichler

We present our Boardmembers: Prof. Dr. Friedrich Hoppichler

We proudly present our five healthy-lifestyle boardmembers. This time we will present internist Prof. Dr. Hoppichler.

My name is Friedrich Hoppichler, I am a born in Upper Austria and 62 years old. By profession, I am a doctor, or more precisely a specialist in internal medicine, with an additional specialization in cardiology (cardiovascular system), endocrinology (hormone balance) and metabolic diseases, as well as geriatrics (diseases of old age).

As head of the Department of Internal Medicine at the Barmherzige Brüder Hospital in Salzburg, patients and issues in these fields are part of my daily work. In my free time I enjoy an active lifestyle with mainly cycling and skiing in the beautiful nature of Salzburg.

Health promotion in schools and in companies

Early in my professional career, I was concerned with the problem of increasing overweight, with all the extensive accompanying and secondary diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure or the subsequent cardiovascular diseases. The foundation of the preventive medical institute SIPCAN in 2005 was not only a logical consequence of this, but a real affair of the heart for me. As a member of our board of directors of the independent, non-profit institute, I am very pleased and proud that a team of experts is now working successfully and on a scientific basis to promote health in schools and companies throughout Austria. As well as to make healthier food choices for everyone - the general reduction of sugar content is an important example of this. I have also been president of the Austrian Obesity Society, a board member of the Austrian Diabetes Society, and a working group member and chairman in numerous scientific societies, such as the Austrian Cardiology Society.

How should food and beverages be designed to support a Healthy Lifestyle?

In Rauch's Healthy Lifestyle Board, I contribute my medical and scientific expertise, as well as my many years of experience as a physician but also as a scientist in networking with numerous players in the before mentioned subject fields. My focus and special contribution is on prevention through nutrition - especially the question: What can food and beverages contribute to a Healthy Lifestyle, or the other way around: How should food and beverages be designed to support a Healthy Lifestyle?

One euro for healthy children saves four euros for ill adults

But it is also very important for me that we do not forget: A healthy lifestyle is based on a balance of several aspects, including not only nutrition, but also exercise and psycho-social aspects, because health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. As a doctor, I experience daily how many problems an unhealthy lifestyle can cause. That is why I'm very pleased to be able to help to ensure that we can take preventive action even before a disease occurs. We can take concrete measures - for adults as well as for children and young people. Because we know today that one euro invested in children's health saves four euros in helping ill adults.

Physical exercises in nature and hydration

I would like to urge each individual to become aware of their own health or of any risk factors they may already have and to actively take care of them. I notice myself that I feel much better after exercising outside in nature, rather than remaining inactive at home. I also make sure my fluid intake is high, which is good for my well-being and my ability to concentrate in my busy work life. I also try to eat a very broad and balanced diet, even if I admittedly do not always succeed due to time constraints. I try to eat especially valuable foods with a high density of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, secondary plant compounds or omega-3 acids. For example, nuts, dairy products or superfoods such as papaya. I also enjoy a freshly squeezed glass of orange juice.

I am excited and I am looking forward to the work and the exchange in the Healthy Lifestyle Board of Rauch.